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    • Manual
    • 2018
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Manual for Nutritional Treatment and Rehabilitation. Volume 1: 0 til 14 years

    This manual outlines steps and procedures for inpatient and outpatient admission and treatment of acute malnutrition, including for monitoring and stimulation of child development. Note: The manual is currently under review and updated version will be upload as soon as it is available.

    • Strategy
    • 2023
    • Kenya
    • English

    Kenya Strategy for Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition – 2023-2028

    National strategy that advocates for ECD monitoring and counselling as part of growth monitoring and other services.

    • Slide deck
    • 2021
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Science of ECD course for decision-makers (Day 1 of 3)

    A slide deck for day 1 of 3-day Science of ECD course for decision-makers and managers, adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.

    • Training Manual
    • 2024
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Manual for Promotion of ECD in MCH services

    A training manual developed through human-centered design to promote early childhood development in maternal and child health services. Note: Draft version, to be updated after final MOH approval is obtained.

    • Story book
    • 2019
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    A capulana da mamã

    A story book helping young children who lost a parent to deal with their grief in a constructive manner.

    • Brief
    • 2024
    • Mozambique
    • English

    Use of radios to promote playful and responsive parenting

    A brief summarizing piloted interventions to use community radios in promotion of parenting practices around play, communication, and child feeding, and their initial results.

    • Children’s Song
    • 2020
    • Mozambique
    • Emakua

    Let’s talk!

    A song encouraging parents to talk to their young children as a way to help them learn and develop.

    • Job aids
    • 2017
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Parenting education

    A set of pictures to be used with each parenting session. The pictures were not joined in a flipchart but kept as separate sheets, to allow for greater engagement of the participants with the images.

    • Guidelines
    • 2020
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Technical guidelines for community preschools

    Guidelines on recommended teaching and learning methodologies to be used in every preschool activity, on group management and positive discipline, on supporting children with disabilities, and on working with parents.

    • Training Manual
    • 2020
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Training for social action institute worker

    A training manual to prepare social action institute workers to conduct educational group sessions with caregivers of children under 2 years coming to receive child subsidy.

    • Mentoring Tool
    • 2017
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Household visit mentoring and supervision tool

    A mentoring tool verifying community-based volunteer competencies to conduct a household visit while addressing all relevant technical areas.

    • Job Aid
    • 2021
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Household visit steps

    A job aid orienting ADEMO volunteers on what to do in every household visit and how to use counseling cards and other tools.

    • Job Aid
    • 2023
    • Mozambique
    • Portuguese

    Visual cards for Ubuntu program

    Job aids to accompany the manual for group sessions for caregivers of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Adapted from the evidence-based global program Ubuntu.

    • Job Aid
    • 2022
    • Ethiopia
    • English

    Perinatal depression

    A protocol and counseling cards for management of perinatal depression approved for use by the Amhara Regional Health Bureau in Ethiopia.

    • Training Guide
    • 2022
    • Kenya
    • English

    Parenting program for adolescent girls and young women

    A training guide preparing DREAMS mentors and community health promoters to conduct a parenting program for adolescent girls and young women.