A training manual developed through human-centered design to promote early childhood development in maternal and child health services. Note: Draft version, to be updated after final MOH approval is obtained.
A children’s song teaching about how and why it is important to wash hands.
A story book to help young children not be afraid of going to the doctor.
A facilitator manual consisting of 10 parenting education sessions for caregivers of children birth to 5 years.
A manual consisting of 40 activity cards, each including a quiet and an active game, a story, and a discussion topic for circle time, for community preschools for children aged 3 to 5. Additional sections include guidance on a daily preschool routine, on health, hygiene and nutrition, and on how to set up a low-cost…
A flipchart with visuals, step-by-step activities, and key messages for group sessions covering topics of maternal and child feeding and early learning. It is based on the MOH’s Package of Nutritional Interventions (PIN) and targets caregivers of children under 2 years coming to receive child subsidy.
A set of counseling cards providing community-based volunteers with household visit steps and visuals on health, nutrition, education, early childhood development, protection, housing and economic strengthening, and psychosocial support.
A slide deck for the 1-day Science of ECD course for political decision-makers adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.
A comprehensive list of ECD messages developed by PATH and approved by the ECD technical working group (TWG) and Health Promotion Department of the Ministry of Health.
A set of counseling cards that orient ADEMO volunteers on key messages and practices to promote in a household visit around child health and hygiene, nutrition, and early learning.
A manual providing step-by-step content for conducting group sessions for caregivers of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Adapted from the evidence-based global program Ubuntu.
A protocol and counseling cards for management of perinatal depression, co-created with, and approved as a national tool by, the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A facilitator manual providing step-by-step guidance for conducting 14 group sessions with adolescent girls and young women on issues of maternal mental health, co-parenting, child nutrition, and development.
A facilitator manual providing step-by-step guidance for conducting group sessions with pregnant women and mothers of children under 2 on issues of maternal mental health, co-parenting, child nutrition, and development.
A brief summarizing the model and the early results of a playbox intervention in health facility waiting rooms.
A manual providing step-by-step guidance for training facility health care workers on the use of the Kenya Mother Child Health Handbook to promote early childhood development in maternal and child health services, as well as on promoting ECD in Maternity wards. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
The first-ever integrated policy outlining Kenyan Ministry of Health’s unified approach to newborn, child, and adolescent health and development.
A technical guidance on the scope of two child health services—healthy child and child-at-risk consultations. This revised version includes steps and job aids for developmental monitoring and counseling developed with support from PATH.
A well-baby clinic register containing indicators on child development, namely, a developmental delay identified in a child for the first time.
A poster on developmental milestones referenced in the IMNCH guide, approved by the Siaya County Health Team.
A poster on ECD counseling in antenatal care, approved by Siaya County Health Management Team.
A set of posters on ECD counseling in maternity wards, approved by Siaya County Health Management Team.
A take-home booklet on premature birth, created with and approved by Mozambique Ministry of Health.
First formative assessment conducted by PATH with caregivers of young children in southern Mozambique.
A summary brief describing findings of formative assessments of health services conducted in Mozambique and Kenya.
The first community health policy in Kenya specifically describing CHP tasks in promoting Nurturing Care for ECD, such as counseling on opportunities for early learning and identification and follow up of children with developmental delays and disabilities.
Additional pages designed to complement the existing CHW Flipchart with relevant ECD and nutritional content. Approved by the Mozambique MOH CHW program.
Expanded Care for Child Development (CCD) Counselling Cards, adapted for Kenya and Mozambique based on formative assessment of health facilities. New topics such as provider-child communication, child nutrition, discipline and neglect, intimate partner violence and maternal mental health were added. The cards were made more visual and broken down by touchpoints and age groups, starting…
An original set Care for Child Development (CCD) Counselling Card, adapted for the first pilot by clinical and community providers in Kenya and Mozambique. Adaptations included: addition of developmental milestones, checking hearing and vision and steps for responsive feeding.
An implementation guide detailing community-based growth monitoring and counselling activities and providing tools for delivery of Package of Nutritional Interventions. Mozambique Ministry of Health.
This manual outlines steps and procedures for inpatient and outpatient admission and treatment of acute malnutrition, including for monitoring and stimulation of child development. Note: The manual is currently under review and updated version will be upload as soon as it is available.
National strategy that advocates for ECD monitoring and counselling as part of growth monitoring and other services.
A slide deck for day 1 of 3-day Science of ECD course for decision-makers and managers, adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.
A pilot training video to orient health providers and facility volunteers to conduct playbox sessions in health facility waiting room. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A story book helping young children who lost a parent to deal with their grief in a constructive manner.
A brief summarizing piloted interventions to use community radios in promotion of parenting practices around play, communication, and child feeding, and their initial results.
A song encouraging parents to talk to their young children as a way to help them learn and develop.
A set of pictures to be used with each parenting session. The pictures were not joined in a flipchart but kept as separate sheets, to allow for greater engagement of the participants with the images.
Guidelines on recommended teaching and learning methodologies to be used in every preschool activity, on group management and positive discipline, on supporting children with disabilities, and on working with parents.
A training manual to prepare social action institute workers to conduct educational group sessions with caregivers of children under 2 years coming to receive child subsidy.
A mentoring tool verifying community-based volunteer competencies to conduct a household visit while addressing all relevant technical areas.
A job aid orienting ADEMO volunteers on what to do in every household visit and how to use counseling cards and other tools.
Job aids to accompany the manual for group sessions for caregivers of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Adapted from the evidence-based global program Ubuntu.
A protocol and counseling cards for management of perinatal depression approved for use by the Amhara Regional Health Bureau in Ethiopia.
A training guide preparing DREAMS mentors and community health promoters to conduct a parenting program for adolescent girls and young women.
A training manual preparing health extension workers to conduct a support group program for pregnant women and mothers with children under 2.
A report containing two case studies from Kenya and Mozambique on PATH-supported work in ECD in the health sector.
A plan operationalizing the objectives of the NCAH Policy, including specific activities to promote access to high-quality ECD services.
This tool for health care workers has been expanded to add counseling on ECD during pregnancy and to include revised developmental milestones aligned with the Milestones poster developed by PATH.
A sick child consultation register containing an indicator on child development, namely, a developmental delay identified in a child for the first time.
A poster on developmental milestones referenced in child health consultation guidelines, approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A poster on ECD counseling in antenatal care, created with and approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A set of posters supporting counseling on ECD and other topics in maternity wards, created with and approved by Mozambique Ministry of Health
A poster on KMC benefits, created with and approved by Zambia Ministry of Health.
First formative assessment conducted by PATH with caregivers of young children in northern Mozambique.
Formative assessment of routine functioning of key maternal and child health facility services and recommendations for integrating ECD interventions.
A primary register for community health promoters specifying an ECD indicator, namely, number of children referred with delayed milestones.
A participant manual on community-based integrated management of childhood illnesses; includes developmental monitoring and counseling based on PATH-supported job aids.
A poster of encouraging play and communication during daily family chores and routines. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A manual providing step-by-step content for training facility health care workers on the use of the expanded CCD Counselling Cards. The training targeted each facility touchpoint and how developmental monitoring and counselling could be integrated there; data records, reporting and monitoring were also addressed. PATH.
An original set Care for Child Development (CCD) Counselling Card, adapted for the first pilot by clinical and community providers in Kenya and Mozambique. Adaptations included: addition of developmental milestones, checking hearing and vision and steps for responsive feeding.
A manual providing step-by-step content for training community health workers (APEs) on implementation of Package of Nutritional Interventions. Mozambique Ministry of Health.
This training presentation outlines key concepts and activities, and provides exercises for learning how to stimulate child development during inpatient treatment of malnutrition. It has been approved by the MOH Nutrition Department for nationwide trainings.
National strategy that advocates for strengthening ECD in nutritional rehabilitation program and in community programs for orphans and vulnerable children.
This Integrated Management of Newborn and Childhood Illnesses Guideline has been revised in 2021 to include, among other, monitoring of child development and counseling on care for child development.
A pilot training video to orient health providers to conduct developmental monitoring and counseling during well-child visit. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A slide deck for day 2 of 3-day Science of ECD course for decision-makers and managers, adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.
A story book written to help young children make sense of COVID-19 and all the changes in daily behavior it has caused.
A radio skit encouraging fathers to start bonding with their babies during pregnancy.
A children’s song teaching children about healthy local foods.
A training manual for a four-day training to prepare community volunteers to run parenting education sessions.
Guidelines on requirements for establishment and functioning of community preschools in Mozambique.
A training manual to prepare community-based volunteers to monitor developmental milestones and counsel on child development during household visits.
A booklet for caregivers of children with disabilities, originally developed during COVID-19 and adapted to be relevant thereafter. The booklet reinforces hygiene, nutrition, and early learning practices at home, as well as the need to use health services and to take care of caregiver’s own health.
A brief describing the adaptation of the global Ubuntu program for caregivers of children with disabilities and the assessment of its pilot conducted by ADEMO in Mozambique.
A take-home booklet describing what maternal depression is and offering recommendations on supporting women with depression, created with and approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A mentoring tool verifying facilitator competencies to deliver parenting group sessions for adolescent girls and young women.
A mentoring tool verifying facilitator competencies to deliver support group sessions for pregnant women and mothers of children under 2.
First national health strategy in Ethiopia to include promotion of ECD among its objectives.
A well-baby clinic register containing indicators on child development, namely, an assessment of developmental milestones conducted and presence of any childhood disabilities.
A poster on developmental milestones referenced in the national ECD implementation guide, approved by the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia.
A poster on ECD counseling in antenatal care, created with and approved by Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia.
A manual of the Mozambique Ministry of Health, which includes principles of family-centered and developmentally supportive care for small and sick newborns, after advocacy by PATH.
Formative assessment of caregivers receiving postnatal care and their mental health needs, to inform the design of maternal mental health counseling cards.
A slide deck presenting data from physiotherapy registers from two main hospitals of Maputo province.
A supportive supervision tool used by community health assistants which checks for the number of children with delayed milestones and counseling strategies used during household visits and verifies conduct of playbox sessions in the health facilities.
Mentoring tool verifying community health worker (CHW) competencies to counsel in general, and on ECD and child nutrition specifically, during household visits.
A poster of age-appropriate play and communication activities based on Care for Child Development counseling cards. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A set of 2 double-sided cards adapted from the CCD counselling cards for the use by community health workers. Adaptations included: developmental monitoring; play in daily routines; and counselling on maternal and child nutrition. Approved by the Provincial Maputo Health Services.
A brief summarizing the process and the outcomes of a collaboration between the World Bank, UNICEF, Mozambique Ministry of Health and PATH to integrate ECD content into a national Package of Nutritional Interventions.
A national guideline reinforcing stimulation of child development as a step in management of acute malnutrition and recommending the use of PATH-developed Care for Child Development poster as a counselling tool.
A slide deck for day 3 of 3-day Science of ECD course for decision-makers and managers, adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.
A pilot training video to orient health providers to conduct developmental monitoring and counseling during well-child visit. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A radio skit showing the importance of talking to young children even when they cannot yet talk back.
A children’s song teaching colors by pointing out everyday objects around children.