A children’s song teaching about how and why it is important to wash hands.
A story book to help young children not be afraid of going to the doctor.
A training manual for a four-day training to prepare community volunteers to run parenting education sessions.
A manual consisting of 40 activity cards, each including a quiet and an active game, a story, and a discussion topic for circle time, for community preschools for children aged 3 to 5. Additional sections include guidance on a daily preschool routine, on health, hygiene and nutrition, and on how to set up a low-cost…
A flipchart with visuals, step-by-step activities, and key messages for group sessions covering topics of maternal and child feeding and early learning. It is based on the MOH’s Package of Nutritional Interventions (PIN) and targets caregivers of children under 2 years coming to receive child subsidy.
A set of counseling cards providing community-based volunteers with household visit steps and visuals on health, nutrition, education, early childhood development, protection, housing and economic strengthening, and psychosocial support.
A slide deck for the 1-day Science of ECD course for political decision-makers adapted by PATH, Aga Khan Foundation and USAID Advancing Nutrition in Mozambique to reflect country context.
A comprehensive list of ECD messages developed by PATH and approved by the ECD technical working group (TWG) and Health Promotion Department of the Ministry of Health.
A set of counseling cards that orient ADEMO volunteers on key messages and practices to promote in a household visit around child health and hygiene, nutrition, and early learning.
A facilitator manual providing step-by-step content for conducting group sessions for caregivers of children with developmental delays or disabilities. Adapted from the evidence-based global program Ubuntu.
A protocol and counseling cards for management of perinatal depression, co-created with, and approved as a national tool by, the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A facilitator manual providing step-by-step guidance for conducting 14 group sessions with adolescent girls and young women on issues of maternal mental health, co-parenting, child nutrition, and development.
A facilitator manual providing step-by-step guidance for conducting group sessions with pregnant women and mothers of children under 2 on issues of maternal mental health, co-parenting, child nutrition, and development.
A brief summarizing the model and the early results of a playbox intervention in health facility waiting rooms.
A manual providing step-by-step guidance for training facility health care workers on the use of the Kenya Mother Child Health Handbook to promote early childhood development in maternal and child health services, as well as on promoting ECD in Maternity wards. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.