A training guide providing step-by-step content for training health facility workers on screening and counseling in case of perinatal depression during antenatal and postnatal care.
A brief summarizing the design and evaluation results of a parenting program for adolescent girls and young women in Kenya.
A brief summarizing the interventions and their results in promoting child development in Addis Ababa health facilities and in post-conflict settings in the northern Amhara region of Ethiopia.
An article on a qualitative evaluation of PATH-supported programming in northern Mozambique. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
A detailed health sector workplan to ensure implementation of national ECD policy framework and to respond to Sustainable Development Goal 4.2.
A routine immunization register containing an indicator on child development, namely, whether a child has no delay, suspected delay, or developmental delay.
Steps for monitoring child development developed by PATH that informed the content of Ethiopia Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses Guideline (2021).
An antenatal care register containing an indicator on counseling on child development.
A set of posters supporting detection and transfer of newborns with risk factors, created with and approved by Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A trainer manual of the Mozambique Ministry of Health on Kangaroo Mother Care, which includes principles of family-centered and developmentally supportive care as a part of KMC, after advocacy by PATH.
Formative assessment of caregivers of children with disabilities in northern Mozambique, to inform the design of a community-based rehabilitation program.
A brief summarizing health provider use of PATH-developed ECD materials for screening and counselling in southern Mozambique.
An article on the pilot of the Information for Action app to promote early childhood development through the community health platform in Kenya.
A brief describing an evaluation, conducted with CHWs in 2016, to assess the integration of ECD and nutrition content into the CHW service delivery package and its initial results
A manual providing step-by-step content for training facility health care workers on the use of the posters to promote early childhood development in maternal and child health services, as well as on supervising CHVs delivering playbox sessions in the waiting rooms. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A set of seven cards adapted from the CCD counselling cards for the use by community health volunteers. Adaptations included: steps for integrating developmental services into household visits and for conducting playbox sessions in the waiting rooms; developmental monitoring; and counselling on maternal and child nutrition. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
An article summarizing the results of a qualitative assessment of the early model of playbox intervention in Mozambique.
A report detailing the results of a parenting education program piloted with community agricultural associations in rural southern Mozambique..
A radio skit explaining the importance of playing with young children during household routines.
A children’s song teaching children body parts in a fun manner.
A step-by-step three-day training guide preparing volunteers to set up and run community playgroups.
A report summarizing ECD interventions, achievements, challenges, and lessons learned by PATH during three years of supporting community-based organizations as a part of the USAID COVida project.
A short visual brief orienting decision-makers to the science of child development and to how different sectors can support ECD.
A form used by ADEMO to enroll children with developmental delays or disabilities into a community-based rehabilitation program. It collects data on family socioeconomic situations and risk factors for delays or disabilities, and documents the actions of the volunteer and the progress of the child.
A mentoring tool verifying health care worker competencies to deliver maternal mental health and ECD services across key maternal and child health touchpoints in a health facility.
A mentoring tool verifying health care worker competencies to deliver ECD services across key maternal and child health touchpoints in a health facility. Approved by Nampula Province Health Services.
A county-level strategic plan outlining sectoral interventions in support of nurturing care, including training and mentoring of health providers.
A GMP and nutrition screening register containing an indicator on child development, namely, whether a child has no delay, suspected delay, or developmental delay, as well as an indicator on counseling on care for child development.
A brief summarizing a co-created solution to improve the effectiveness of ECD counseling in antenatal care in Kenya and Mozambique, and its initial results.
A poster on newborn screening and ECD counseling in postnatal care, created with and approved by Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia.
A report on an external evaluation of PATH-supported programming in northern Mozambique, summarizing qualitative evidence on provider and caregiver experiences with the program. Harvard School of Public Health.
A report describing health provider use of PATH-developed ECD materials for screening and counselling in southern Mozambique.
A brief describing the pilot with Medic Mobile to test the acceptability and feasibility of a developmental monitoring and counseling app with CHPs in Kenya.
A training manual providing step-by-step guidance for training community health promoters on the use of the Kenya Mother Child Health Handbook to support early childhood development in household visits, as well as on conducting playbox sessions in facility waiting rooms. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A manual providing step-by-step content for training community health volunteers (CHVs) on the use of the CHV Counselling cards during household visits and playbox sessions in health facility waiting rooms. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A presentation on the science behind the Nurturing Care for ECD movement developed for advocacy activities in Kenya.
A pilot training video to orient health providers to conduct ECD counseling during antenatal visit. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A radio skit addressing myths about childhood disability and the importance of early detection and rehabilitation.
A brief summarizing the interventions and their results in promoting child development in Addis Ababa health facilities and in post-conflict settings in the northern Amhara region of Addis Ababa health facilities and in post-conflict settings in the northern Amhara region of Ethiopia.
A brief describing a partnership between a Mozambican Association of people with disabilities, ADEMO, and PATH, in the Monapo district of Nampula province, to design and deliver a community-based rehabilitation (CBR) program for children under 5 with developmental delays and disabilities.
National guidelines that include, among others, a protocol for management of maternal depression during postnatal care, piloted with PATH support.
A report on an external evaluation of PATH-supported programming in Siaya county, summarizing quantitative and qualitative evidence on program feasibility and impact. The African Population and Health Research Center.
A poster of age-appropriate play and communication activities based on Care for Child Development counseling cards. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A mentoring tool verifying health care worker competencies to deliver ECD services across key maternal and child health touchpoints in a health facility. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A county legislative document adopting Nurturing Care for ECD as a government program, mandating its mainstreaming into sectoral plans and allocating a budget.
An IMNCI (0-2 months) register containing indicator on child development, namely, whether a child has a risk factor or a parental concern about development and whether a child is reaching current milestones; as well as an indicator on counseling on care for child development.
A postnatal care register containing an indicator on counseling on child development.
Insights into beliefs and practices of caregivers of children under 2 in northern Mozambique generated through human-centered design.
A brief summarizing steps and lessons learned when applying human-centered design to optimizing ECD counselling in health services.
A standard operating procedure (SOP) for monitoring and counseling on child development in household visits and health consultations based on the Kenya Mother Child Health Handbook. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
National guideline that recommends assessment of maternal mental health and counseling on stimulation for early childhood development as a part or routine antenatal visits.
A radio skit educating caregivers about local protein-rich foods and their importance for the body and the brain.
A brief describing approaches used and results achieved in strengthening community-based identification, referral, and treatment of children under 5 with disabilities.
A brief summarizing the design of a perinatal depression management protocol in antenatal and postnatal care services and its piloting results.
A brief summarizing the interventions and their results in promoting child development in Addis Ababa health facilities and in post-conflict settings in northern Amhara region of Ethiopia.
A poster of age-appropriate play and communication activities based on Care for Child Development counseling cards. Approved by the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia.
A county-level five-year development plan listing Nurturing Care for ECD as one of the county programs and setting targets and estimated costs of activities.
An IMNCI (2 to 59 months) register containing indicator on child development, namely, whether a child has a risk factor or a parental concern about development and whether a child is reaching current or earlier milestones; as well as an indicator on counseling on care for child development.
A brief summarizing a co-created solution to introduce ECD counseling in maternity wards in Kenya and Mozambique, and its initial results.
A brief summarizing caregiver experiences when interacting with providers in maternity wards and child health services
A report summarizing key insights from caregivers and providers collected during human-centered design to improve ECD interventions in Kenya.
A mentoring tool verifying community health promoter competencies to deliver ECD services during household visits when using the SOP for ECD. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A pilot training video to orient health providers to conduct ECD counseling before discharge in maternity ward. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A radio skit explaining the difference between healthy and unhealthy local snacks.
A brief describing strategies employed by PATH to strengthen a local organization of people with disabilities in northern Mozambique to provide support to children under 5.
A brief summarizing steps and lessons learned when applying human-centered design to optimizing ECD counselling in health services.
A poster of general recommendations for responsive care, play, and communication. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A brief summarizing the impact of clinical mentoring on provider interpersonal communication skills, developmental and nutritional monitoring, and counseling.
A brief summarizing caregiver experiences when interacting with providers in antenatal care and child health services.
A brief describing health provider-perceived facilitators and barriers to their work un general and to provision of ECD services in particular.
Instructional video on counseling on ECD just after the birth.
A slide deck summary and analysis of baseline and endline data on new child cases in physiotherapy registers in Monapo district, Nampula, Mozambique.
A radio skit encouraging pregnant women and their partners to do antenatal visits.
A brief summarizing a co-created solution to increase the use of the MCHH by facility and community health workers for developmental monitoring and counseling in Kenya, and its initial results.
A brief detailing the results of the recent pilots of human-centered design solutions with regard to performance of community and facility health providers in delivery of ECD services.
Instructional video on counseling on ECD 1 hour after birth.
A radio skit addressing the importance of postnatal visits in the first month after delivery.
A brief summarizing a co-created solution to improve the effectiveness of play sessions in health facility waiting rooms in Kenya and Mozambique, and its initial results.
A poster age-appropriate and responsive complementary feeding, as well as healthy and unhealthy snacks for young children. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A video promoting child-friendly communication and play with young children.
A brief summarizing a co-created solution to improve the effectiveness of ECD counseling in child health visits in Kenya and Mozambique, and its initial results.
A poster illustrating typical activities of a well-baby clinic to increase demand for services and to promote ECD as part of well-baby clinic. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.
A video encouraging caregivers, including fathers, to make toys for their children.
A home health record where developmental milestones and recommendations for play and communication have been added based on PATH inputs. Approved by the Zambia Ministry of Health.
A video encouraging caregivers to watch out for signs of developmental delays in their young children and to act accordingly.
A home health record where certain developmental milestones and recommendations for play and communication have been added based on PATH inputs. Approved by the Kenya Ministry of Health.
A video providing caregivers with ideas of playful activities using household items with their children during COVID-19.
A video providing caregivers with ideas of how to make their children feel safe and loved while staying at home during COVID-19.
An illustrated catalogue depicting age-appropriate homemade play materials, including how to produce them, how to use them for different play activities, and what development areas they stimulate.
An illustrated catalogue depicting age-appropriate homemade play materials, including how to produce them, how to use them for different play activities, and what development areas they stimulate.
A guide outlining steps and materials for conducting playbox sessions in health facility waiting rooms and pediatric wards. Approved by the Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia.
A flipchart outlining steps, materials, and age-appropriate activities for conducting playbox sessions in health facility waiting rooms and pediatric wards. Approved by the Siaya County Health Management Team.
A flipchart outlining steps, materials, and age-appropriate activities for conducting playbox sessions in health facility waiting rooms and pediatric wards. Approved by the Mozambique Ministry of Health.